Asia Pacific Women Watch would like to express our deepest condolences at the passing of Thanpuying Sumalee on 4th April, 2022. It is a great loss for Thai Women Watch and APWW. The world has lost a leading light and great advocate for Gender Equality with her passing . May her soul find peace as she journey’s forth.
Thanpuying Sumalee was one of those rare women who would bring out the best in others, was generous of time and spirit and worked to improve the world through collaboration and kindness. She was one of the founding members of Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW) and at a time when many women were working on national issues, had the foresight to recognise the important role regional organisations played in the battle for women’s rights.
Each of us have special memories of Thanpuying Sumalee an elegant, woman , a gracious host and a great leader of the Asian Women’s Movement. May we hold these memories close as the days move forward.