ESCAP Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on the CSW 68 Priority Theme for Commission on the Status of Women (6-7 February, Bangkok)

APWW along with other members of the  RCEM and women from the CSO CSW 68th Forum (held 4-5 February, 2024 in Bangkok) attended the ESCAP High Level Government Regional Consultation on the Priority Theme of the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).  The Meeting held in Bangkok was attended by Government Representatives from the Asia Pacific Region, however, it was disappointing to see so few Government representatives in the room (some were attending virtually for part of the meeting) others presented in the meeting others contributed to the Consultation outside of the meeting.

UN Secretariat members, funds, programs and specialised agencies attended, along with Intergovernmental Organisations, Asia Development Bank, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).  Approximately 67 civil society organisations were in attendance.

There were 3 thematic sessions :

  1. Developing economic and social policies to address gendered poverty
  2. Fiscal space and mobilizing financing for strategies to end women’s poverty
  3. New development strategies : toward caring, green economies

Followed by a Session on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA) + 30 Review.  This session was a presentation of work to date and overview of the process.

Civil Society Representatives were able to present to the meeting for both the opening session and the following 3 thematic sessions.

The report, including key recommendations from Government and CSOs can be found here:  CSW68 AP Regional Consultation Report





CSO AP Forum on CSW 68th Session Bangkok 4-5 Feb 2024

In facilitation this forum, UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) worked collaboratively with the Regional Consultative Engagement Mechanism (RCEM) to host  a Civil Society Led Forum  from 4th – 5th February, 2024 prior to the ESCAP Asia-Pacific Regional Governmental Consultation on CSW 68th Session held at ESCAP 6 – 7 February 2024.

This event was led by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) along with other RCEM Steering Committee members  from : Asia Pacific Alliance for SRHR (APA), Asia Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW), Asia Pacific Women Watch (APWW) and Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM).  Over 60 regional and national civil society organisations attended the event both in person and on line.

The regional consultation provided a platform through which ESCAP Member States and stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific assessed and articulated  key trends, needs, gaps in legal, policy, and programmatic responses, and good practices in line with the CSW 68 priority theme.

Poverty is a gendered phenomenon, and it intersects with race, ethnicity, age, disability identity, religion, and geographical location, giving rise to distinct forms of discrimination and inequality. It is deeply imbricated and its pervasive impact extends across every facet of women and girls’ lives, influencing the dynamics from individual to family to community, both in public and private spheres. This contributes to and exacerbates existing inequalities. To address these, public institutions must adopt more progressive socio-economic policies and alternative development models to eradicate poverty. The CSW68 priority theme offers a unique opportunity to reassess gendered poverty, and to formulate recommendations that would pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable alternative economic model centred on gender justice, human rights and well-being.

It is essential for civil society to meaningfully engage and contribute to these processes by highlighting issues, challenges, and recommendations related to the CSW68 priority theme.

The CSO Forum on CSW 68 collectively examined and identified actionable regional priorities and put forth recommendations for the ESCAP Asia-Pacific Regional Governmental Consultation on CSW 68th Session held at ESCAP 6 – 7 February 2024.

The statements from the CSO Session were also shared at New York Asia Pacific Caucus meeting and were used to assist members to inform the CSW68 session and the agreed conclusions on the priority theme.

APWW report back and Statements presented from this Forum to the ESCAP Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on CSW 68th Session can be found here:

APWW Report back and Statements AP Regional CSW 68 Forum


Call for applications: Expanding the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

The Beijing+25 Youth Task Force is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

The year 2020 is a confluence of anniversaries including the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the five-year review of the Sustainable Development Goals, the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1325, the 75th anniversary of the UN and the 10th anniversary of the creation of UN Women. As we take stock of progress made in advancing women’s rights and gender equality, all the actors involved in Generation Equality are committed to ensuring that young people are at the center of this process.

Following a call for applications in June 2019, UN Women announced the “Beijing+25 Youth Task Force”, comprising 30 young leaders from different youth-led and youth-serving organizations, with diverse areas of expertise and across all regions of the world. They represent young people in all their diversity and across intersectional complexities. The existing youth leaders have a track record of driving change in their communities and mobilizing young people for the empowerment of young women and girls all over the world. The Youth Task Force serves on the governance structure of the Generation Equality Forum with a seat on the Core Group. The Core Group is the decision making body of the Generation Equality Forum. The forums centerstage young people and believes in their power and ability to accelerate the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The Youth Task Force has been supporting and guiding the global processes in consulting and engaging young people across the globe.

It is within this context that the Youth Task Force, convened by UN Women, is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

To apply, please familiarize yourself with the Call for ApplicationsTerms of ReferenceCriteria for Nomination and submit the Application Form by August 21st 2020 at 12:00 p.m. midday EST. Please note that the recommendation letter should be by your nominated organization.

The Beijing +25 Youth Task Force will organize 2 webinars during 7th to 18th August 2020, with the objective to reach more young people and motivate them to apply to be a part of the Youth Task Force while clarifying any questions/doubts regarding the application process and requirements. Please watch out for more information related to the webinars in the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force’s social media spaces: FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Congratulations to next President and CEO of Global Fund for Women – Layanya Mapp Frett


Global Fund for Women is proud to announce Latanya Mapp Frett has been appointed as the next President and CEO of Global Fund for Women beginning July 1, 2019.

Global Fund for Women’s current President and CEO Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro will lead the organization until her retirement on June 30, 2019.

Dr. Kanyoro says, “I am thrilled to welcome Latanya to Global Fund for Women’s community. Latanya and I are committed to ensuring a healthy, seamless transition and to model feminist, collaborative solidarity and leadership.”

More information here

Source : Global Fund for Women

Meet some of our Members – Japan Women’s Watch (JAWW)

JAWW is an advocacy organization with special focus on the implementation of Beijing Platform of Action (BPFA) and other internationally agreed documents, including 2030 Agenda, as well as domestic policies and plans for gender equality and Japan’s official development assistance (ODA).

JAWW succeeded in part the activities by a group named Japan NGO Report Group which was set up in 1999 in preparation for Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century.

JAWW is closely working with the Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW), a regional network to advance the status of women in the Asia Pacific Region. APWW collaborates with United Nations organizations, national governments and NGOs. APWW covers about 20 countries in South-East, Central, East, and South Asia and Pacific region and works with regional women’s networks.


For more information please click here

Meet some of our members – Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre

Shirkat Gah is a women’s rights organisation based in Lahore, Pakistan, and acts as the regional office (RCO-Asia) of the international network Women Living Under Muslim Laws. It has provided support to women who have been subjected to forced marriages and has organised and campaigned around cases of ‘honour killings’ of women. It has also documented customary practices, including ‘honour crimes’, which result in violence against women throughout Pakistan. Shirkat Gah also has legal advice centres, researchers on health/reproductive rights, as well as VAW and equality under the law. Note: there are offices also in Karachi and Peshawar, but the Lahore office houses the WLUML RCO-Asia. Karachi and Lahore have resource collections, legal advisers, and research / campaigning programme, and publications. The Peshawar office is currently scaled back and has a separate email address.


For more information click here

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