This report is the product of the inclusive participation of over 1,108 people from all over the country with the support of the government, non-government organisations, and UN agencies, particularly UN Women. It gathers feminist perspectives, adopting the NGO CSW/NY Guideline for Beijing +25 review. It consists of eight chapters, including separate chapters on ‘The Girl Child’, ‘ The Youth’s SRHR & She Decides’ and ‘A Feminist Position Paper’.
This report attempts to acknowledge the efforts made towards achieving Gender Equality, Empowerment of Women and Girls (GEEWG) in the last five years and highlights desired actions under every theme of the Beijing +25 review through the “Kathmandu Call for Action”, in order to fulfil the task of GEEWG as set by the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and as obligated by the CEDAW and CRC for achieving Generation Equality. It is a means to advocate for the achievement of generation equality in all levels of the government in Nepal.
Read report here National Parallel Report Beijing+25 – Nepal