As CSW starts here is a quick update to the process:
Negotiations are underway on the Agreed Conclusions (ACs) and Methods of Work. We are now on the 3rd read through.
APWW supports the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC, in calling for attention to five key issues that can help advance a progressive agenda toward gender and environmental justice:
- Recognise and redress loss and damage, centering the most marginalised peoples and communities in addressing climate impacts, particularly women and girls;
- Commit to ending the sovereign debt crisis, to ensure fiscal space for climate action and gender equality;
- Dismantle false solutions, particularly the emphasis on net zero and nature-based solutions in the climate and biodiversity arenas;
- Advance a just and equitable energy transition, shifting from a fossil-fuel based economy to a low-carbon and renewable energy system that upholds women’s human rights and advances social and environmental justice; and
- Fulfil historical obligations to provide gender-just climate finance that is predictable, adequate, transparent, accountable, accessible and in the form of grants rather than loan