Call for applications: Expanding the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

The Beijing+25 Youth Task Force is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

The year 2020 is a confluence of anniversaries including the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the five-year review of the Sustainable Development Goals, the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1325, the 75th anniversary of the UN and the 10th anniversary of the creation of UN Women. As we take stock of progress made in advancing women’s rights and gender equality, all the actors involved in Generation Equality are committed to ensuring that young people are at the center of this process.

Following a call for applications in June 2019, UN Women announced the “Beijing+25 Youth Task Force”, comprising 30 young leaders from different youth-led and youth-serving organizations, with diverse areas of expertise and across all regions of the world. They represent young people in all their diversity and across intersectional complexities. The existing youth leaders have a track record of driving change in their communities and mobilizing young people for the empowerment of young women and girls all over the world. The Youth Task Force serves on the governance structure of the Generation Equality Forum with a seat on the Core Group. The Core Group is the decision making body of the Generation Equality Forum. The forums centerstage young people and believes in their power and ability to accelerate the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The Youth Task Force has been supporting and guiding the global processes in consulting and engaging young people across the globe.

It is within this context that the Youth Task Force, convened by UN Women, is announcing a call for applications to expand the composition of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the meaningful involvement of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA.

To apply, please familiarize yourself with the Call for ApplicationsTerms of ReferenceCriteria for Nomination and submit the Application Form by August 21st 2020 at 12:00 p.m. midday EST. Please note that the recommendation letter should be by your nominated organization.

The Beijing +25 Youth Task Force will organize 2 webinars during 7th to 18th August 2020, with the objective to reach more young people and motivate them to apply to be a part of the Youth Task Force while clarifying any questions/doubts regarding the application process and requirements. Please watch out for more information related to the webinars in the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force’s social media spaces: FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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