Beijing +30 Asia Pacific Regional Forums – Invitation

Beijing+30 Asia Pacific CSO Virtual Consultations Invitation

APWW as part of the  Beijing +30 Civil Society Steering Committee for Asia and the Pacific invites you to join a series of virtual consultations dedicated towards addressing and advancing critical issues related to gender equality and human rights in our Asia-Pacific region.

These virtual consultations will serve as a regional platform for national and regional civil society organisations, networks, coalitions, movements and independent activists to engage in meaningful dialogue, reflect on past achievements, identify current and emerging challenges, and collectively chart a path forward for gender equality and human rights in our region. It will also serve as a roadmap towards advocating for our demands with Member States, UN Institutions, corporations and all other stakeholders. Know more about the consultations:

To Register: Click Here 

Detailed information about the consultation and the Zoom link will be shared with registered participants a day prior to the consultation. 



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