Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW) presents its APWWmeet Series
Building on the momentum of the Beijing +25 process, over the next 12 months APWW will be working collaboratively to build a number of regional conversations about Gender Equality and Women’s Rights. These will take the form of webinars and interactive conversations.
We will contextualise discussions into the current pandemic crisis and investigate what strategies are effective to mobilise, impact decision-makers and policy discussions.
Scroll down for Newsletters and Regional Discussions and Webinar information.
#APWWmeet2020 #Beijing+25 #GenerationEquality
APWWmeet Newsletters
APWWmeet news update September, 2020
APWWmeet news update October, 2020
APWWmeet Regional Discussions & Webinars
APWWmeet Series 2020 – 2

APWWmeet Series 2020 Session 2 Speakers information here ..
Across the Pacific and Asia, women and girls in all their diversity are disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Existing gender inequalities are exacerbated during a crisis, with the result that women and girls are not only undertaking more unpaid domestic work, are less able to access essential health services, are more vulnerable to economic hardships, are experiencing ever-rising rates of violence, sexual abuse and control from their husbands, partners and families/kinship groups, and they are not at the table in designing the national pandemic strategies. Women in all their diversity are losing ground to previous gains and are experiencing shrinking democratic spaces.
The impacts of COVID-19 restrictions are creating a disproportionate impact on members of our society due to our delay in creating equitable societies.
To view Beijing +25 in the Time of COVID-19 click here
Powerpoint presentations:
APWW East Asia (Yukiko Oda)
APWW South East Asia (Aurora De Dios)
APWW South Asia (Farida Shaheed)
If you wish to know more about the APWW COVID-19 research please contact us via the APWW contacts page.
APWWmeet Series 2020 – 1

Working for the creation of UN Women : The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign

Speakers information here ..
This first session of APWWmeet SERIES 2020 focuses on the important (but perhaps little remembered) campaign for the creation of UN Women carried out by women NGOs over a period of five years. Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) involved global and regional NGOs in an intense and passionate lobby for reform in the UN “gender architecture” from several small and relatively weak structures to one dynamic, high-level, well-funded UN entity focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Full description of session here …
To join this webinar please register in advance here
To view Working for the creation of UN Women : The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign click here